actions which browser makes to server in order to fetch some information.
Basic format for request:
verb HTTP/1.1
     Header1: value1

     <request body>


  • Host: indicates host handling request.
  • Accept: indicates what MIME(multipurpose internet mail extensions) types are accepted.
  • Cookie: passes cookies to server.
  • Authorisation: mainly used for 'basic auth' pages of form "Basic <base64'd username:password >"
COOKIES: key-value pairs of data that are sent from the server and reside on the client for a fixed period of time. each cookie is unique as they have their unique domain pattern, and are passed with each request the client makes to matching tools.
#cookie security :)

  • Cookies added for any site say can be read by any subdomains of that site i.e: .
  • Cookies added for a subdomains can only be read in that subdomains or by the subdomains of that subdomain, i.e: let cookies for subdomain then cookies of this is only be accessed by this subdomain or sub subdomain of this subdomain, cookies can be accessed by
  • A subdomain can set cookies on its parents and child but not on its siblings. let main site has two children or subdomain as and and has another child named,, now can set cookies on and on but, can't set on

Talking of web, and isn't discussing making of web sites can't happen,


Everyone know full-form of HTML and its not a programming language ofc, its a markup language.

#Parsing: HTML must be parsed according to the relevant specification, and this depends on the HTML version being used in your time, right now HTML5 and if you are reading this in future clearly newer version can come into existence. Parsing primarily isn't only done by the browser, but also by web-application firewalls and other web filters. Vulnerability occurs when parsing is confused by browser and applications in the computer. BAD PARSING:
<!doctype html>
                      <title>ggggggggggggggggggg<script/xss src=></title>
In this a bad XSS(cross site scripting) filter on the web applicaiton may not see that as a script tag due to it being a 'script/xss' tag. But browser parser for instance will treat forward slash in script tag as a white space which leads to attack xD.

#Legacy Parsing: HTML is bad, its a fact and clearly people worked on this to make it better and their hard work paid out, its quite stable right now. <script> tag on its own will be closed in end of the page and tag missing its closing bracket will automatically be closed by the next angle bracket in the page.

Browser not always looks at the !doctype tag to serve whether it is written in html or something else, browser occasionally looks at the code also and if it seems as html it would be passed as html. it is a type of sniffing, let a site accepting a file upload function for profile picture now if attacker include enough HTML triggers in the file then attacker can sniff other user's data and links to victims.
likewise, famous sites uses separate domain pop up window to set a profile picture or something.

Encoding sniffing can be done by old browsers in particular files, mainly if someone doesn't specifies metadata for a web page and its encoding then clearly browser try its best to make a logical guess now, if you are able to control the way that browser decodes text present then easily parsing can be altered. Consider a encoding sniffing example:
payload: +ADw-script+AD4-alert(1);+ADw-/script+AD4-  [UTF-7]
now a days we use UTF-8 encoding scheme, in example its clear that it is a XSS attack with most simple statement with a alert function. Here, +ADw- represents opening angle bracket similarly +AD4- represent closing angle bracket in UTF-7 encoding.
hence, statement becomes: <script>alert(1);</script>
its a simple XSS injection, with no invalid characters in the payload hence attacks works!! :D

#SOP: in simplest terms ,it expands to same-origin policy and refers to policy under which scripts residing on first page are allowed to access data on the second page only of both pages has the same origin. However it is possible for the developers to bypass SOP by changing document.domain (domain of the document), posting messages between windows and ofc by using CORS (cross-origin resource sharing) , this opens up a whole lot of new attacks possible to web applications like: calling postMessage into the iFrame of the page {can't validate properly}.

There is a whole lot of things remaining mainly CSRF and mitigation for CSRF , let's save it for another day


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